Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Camping with Cloth

I warned many of you on Facebook and Twitter that we were planning on camping in cloth this last weekend, and I'm sure many of you were wondering how my experience went.....

So, here are the facts:
  • Our campground had no running water (other than the river).
  • I packed 10 covers and 40 inserts (we use our RAB mainly as an All-in-Two).  We used 8 covers and 28 inserts
  • I packed 4 wet bags, but we ended up only using 2!
  • I packed my full wipes warmer and used about 40 wipes, because we used them to clean her tush and her little body

And here is the outcome:
My motto for the weekend was "let it be" (no, not the whole Beatles song, just the line) ;).  We were camping in DIRT, and I have a 15 month old TODDLER, who thinks dirt is quite amusing.  She rolled in it, played in it, and even ATE it, yes, I did say she ingested some of it, and you know what, she survived.  We bathed her in the river, fed her at a picnic table, and changed her outside, and she enjoyed every minute of it! 

Never looking at the camera!
Now, I know you're all wondering if I survived...well....I will tell you that I had to repeat my weekend motto many times in my head, but we made it through, even in our cloth diapers.  There were times (where she was sitting in mashed up blackberries) that I thought, "man, disposables would be easier," but I'm actually really glad we did it!  I didn't have to buy a single disposable diaper for our entire trip AND I didn't have to add to the MOUNDS of garbage already accumulating at the campground.  Overall, I think it was quite successful and we I had the opportunity to show off our rockin' style and I even converted a few along the way (even some non-preggers ladies)!  At the beginning of the trip, they thought I was crazy for camping in cloth,  (I kinda did too) but by the end I had them all changing diapers for me (see what I did there) ;).  It was surprisingly easier than I thought it was going to be, which is a major bonus!
Crusin in her Rock-a-Bums

My only tip: have a plan of action for poop! We just plopped them into a Ziplock bag, and then threw it away at the end~

*In case your wondering, the blackberries came out of the diaper with ease! Hmm.....getting stains out of covers....I'm sensing another blog post......

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  1. We have been to our cabin with cloth. There is running water, but it stains everything orange. So if we are there more than three days I use disposables. If we are there less than three days then I bring my cloth along and wash once we are home!

  2. Our first time out in cloth, we were supposed to just run to the store, it ended up out to dinner and a trip to the mall as well. I was NOT prepared - no wet bag, no extra covers, ONE extra fitted. Halfway through the mall, we ended up with a very full poopy diaper. I ended up running to sears to get a plastic bag, washing the cover in the mall sink an re-using it after drying it off with paper towels. Lesson - always check the diaper bag and when in doubt, always pack more than less.

  3. We have not traveled or camped with little one yet. But if we were to travel or go camping with her while she was in diapers...we would for sure use our cloth diapers...she had a sever allergic reaction to disposables so somehow we would just have to make it work!

  4. We just got back from a vacation to a cabin in the middle of nowhere for a week. I brought 20 pocket diapers and 15 prefolds/4 covers. I was told they had a washer and dryer that worked well so i figured if i needed to i had the possibility to just wash them all need be otherwise i was going to rise them really well and wash as soon as we returned. IT WAS CRAZY!!! my son got a rash and ended up naked most of the days so we barely cloth diapered but as he would use a diaper i would wash them in the sink to keep them from stinking too much. Did not even think about the hard water so i had to come home and stip all my diapers! I would do it again next time though.

  5. haven't done anything yet (only 6 weeks old) but do see a cross continent trip in our future, that should prove interesting regardless if we're by road or air

  6. We took a five hour road trip when my daughter was less than three months old.

  7. New to cloth diapering, so for me extreme is going to be trusting cloth enough to put her in it overnight.

  8. Have not gone anywhere farther than a 2 hour drive yet so I hope we could still use cloth when trips like this would come up in the future

  9. Just did our first 3 day vacation with cloth. It was awesome I just brought all I had, 3 wet bags, and washed when we got home.

  10. Nothing extreme yet but will be taking a few day vacation soon. I need to start planning now I guess.

  11. We went on a weekend visit to see a friend in a very very small town--think "the nearest grocery store is a 30 minute drive" small. I blame it on the packing crazies--I forgot to pack diapers, and had just 1 pocket diap in my bag and one AIO I keep in the car for emergencies. I survived by using my boyfriend's t-shirts as flats with the unstuffed pocket used as a cover, and checking her like a crazy woman every half hour for wetness, so the pocket lining wouldn't get soiled. We made it!

  12. This is perfect to read right now.... we leave tomorrow to go camping for 4 days kn cloth. Ive been nervous, but excited for the challenge too. Im hoping we have a pleasant experience as well!

  13. Hmmm...never really been in an extreme situation, but years ago the washing machine died, so I had to hand wash my son's prefolds. It wasn't that bad, since he was a newborn and the EBF poo (sorry for the TMI!) was easy to wash out. Since it was cold outside, I hung the diapers to try in every possible place in the house :-)

  14. I haven't been brave enough to take cloth camping yet. We have only done it on vacations where we have a house to stay in.

    (Rachel N)

  15. Our most extreme was attending a funeral, out of town. we don't usually leave the house, so i expected some kind of disaster. i packed twice as many changes as we ended up needing, & thankfully there were no scary diaper incidents!

  16. I haven't started cloth diapering yet, but I hope to in 2 weeks! We will be traveling in December, so it will be interesting using cloth while we travel. I just hope my friends let me use their washing machines.

  17. I haven't started yet. But when baby is born next month, I will keep her in cloth always.

  18. I went camping with cloth just last week, we were doing only 2 nights and three days, brought about 25 diapers, and a couple wetbags, and loved it.. I just washed everything when I got home. I also use cloth wipes, and keep them in a seperate wetbag. So much easier than I thought. Thanks for the chance to win one of your diapers!!

  19. We did an overnight camping with cloth. It was only one night- but i brought like every diaper i owned at the time. It was silly- didn't need all of them! But things actually went just fine. She pooped once and thank god it was a nice hard ploppy one, so i dug a whole and buried it.

  20. We will be going camping this weekend using cloth theres a washer and dryer in the camp ground so it'll be easy.

  21. probably just being in a hotel in cloth for around 4 days. we washed half way through in the tub. no big deal. they took forever to dry, but at least it was better than using sposies!

  22. going up to volunteer at a children's camp in upstate ny for several days in cloth. couldn't use a washer, had to bring a large wetbag... got a bit stinky at times ;)

  23. The first time wee used cloth out of the home, little one was 1 month old and ebf, she pood and we completely forgot the wet bag and were in the middle of dinner!

  24. The worst we've had it is when we choose to do the flats challenge :)

  25. the most extreme situation was at the gcdc and my daughter was missing her nap so she was very ill and didnt want to stay still. It was really hard to stay in our little area and get her diaper on and get out of there

  26. I'm pregnant with my first so don't have any CD experience at all. Our church does go camping every year, so I anticipate doing that.

  27. We did a 16 hour road trip to Vegas. Stayed 3 nights and also had 2 other nights in hotels on the way down and back. Cloth diapered the whole way. It wasn't bad and I'm glad I used cloth.

  28. Traveled 6 hours for a weekend at grandma greats. I tested out our flats and covers for camping while there. We are going camping this weekend and bringing the cloth. I'm so excited to show people that cloth is so easy you can even do it without running water!

  29. nothing really extreme yet but we're exclusive handwashers and will be spending a lot of time on the road in the near future so that should be super interesting with two kids! :)

  30. my son and i just spent ten days out of state, including two airplane rides, and NO sposies!! Yay cloth!!

  31. I went to the gym and only had one diaper and they changed her even though she didnt need it...when i picked her up she had pooped! No diaper left thank goodness they had a disp. there!! :P

  32. We haven't had any extreme uses yet, but do plan on long car rides and a beach trip soon!

  33. I haven't been in any extreme situations yet. I am really hoping to avoid them! I am hoping to be doing cloth full time soon :)

  34. The most extreme would be the beach I guess, but that wasn't bad. We are going camping in November, and I currently don't have enough in my stash to last for 4 days, and we won't have access to running water of now the plan is to do disposables, but we will see if I can win some giveaways and build up my stash :)

  35. Probably the most extreme situation would be using that away from home at my parents, witch isn't really that extreme :) But when every looks at you like your crazy for using cloth it feels a little extreme...

  36. I anticipate using cloth exclusively. I am going to try to use and handwash flats once or twice a week!

  37. We went on a trip to Oklahoma (lived in Idaho at the time). I figured I would hand wash diapers in the tub then hang in the motel room. Well in may the humidity was so bad that the diapers would not dry! We ended up sticking them in a dryer in a laundry mat and even then they took FOREVER to dry.

  38. I haven't CD'd yet but we plan to with baby #3! I can only imagine what kinds of situations we will get ourselves into because my husband's family goes camping and boating a lot.

  39. We haven't been in a real extreme situation in the 2.5 years we've used cloth. Just some vacations but we wash when we get home

  40. I'll be a first time mom in September. I have every intention of using cloth exclusively. My husband, who has 18 and 24 yo, is hesitant. I hope to convince him that cloth is not nearly as scary as it seems and that even camping with cloth can be done. Thanks for the great post!

  41. We took cloth for our twins on a Florida vacation that included trips to the beach. It turned out great and we all had a great time

  42. No extreme situations here in 2 years of using cloth. We travel alot but can always wash when we get home

  43. We haven't started using cloth yet, but I fully expect we will go on vacations (including camping) with our little one in cloth!

  44. the one time i went camping with a baby, he was 6 weeks old. i wish i would have taken my cd's with!

  45. Have used cloth with my #2 since about 2 months. Haven't used a single disposable since. Even though there has been time I think it would be easier, I haven't broke down. I wish I would have done this with my 1st. Love Love Love Them. Almost Makes me kind of want a 3rd so we could continue. ALMOST ;-)

  46. We have camped twice while using cloth. It was not as hard as we thought it would be.

    Ashley Hernandez

  47. Nothing extreme here...but I am sure we will do some camping with cloth in the future. :)

  48. I haven't yet...can't think of anything too challenging since I'm not the camping type. :)

  49. haven't started yet as baby isnt' here yet. the most challenging thing i can think of right now is learning all the folds for flats and hoping i can keep them clean, no stains, no stinks, and no problems with amonia. all the stories i am hearing now are starting to scare me

  50. Haven't been in any situations too crazy yet, but planning some fall camping trips!

  51. I wish I had read this a few weeks ago! We just took a trip and hubby insisted we take disposibles. Ugh...

  52. I am actually a newbie at CDing. Haven't had my first kiddo yet, so still in the learning/research stage. I am so excited!!!

  53. We haven't started cloth yet, but I can see us going camping, travelling, and to the beach in cloth. And of course everyday life! I'm working on building my stash and wound love to win so I can try your products! Thanks for the opportunity!

  54. I'm planning on cloth diapering my 2nd child. I'm going to try to cloth diaper exclusively so that would mean while traveling as well. I'll have to see how it goes, I may change my mind. I would LOVE to try out your products!

  55. We're going through a "loose stool" moment in cloth diapers. So far, no rash. I'm checking that off to the cloth diapers.

  56. Not very extreme, but traveling across the Pacific Ocean, then across North America (from Hawaii to Florida) was a bit of a challenge. Having to tote around poopy diapers in a carry on - not so much fun.

  57. These are great stories :-). We're expecting, so I don't have any extreme situations... I think camping will be the most extreme one we'd do, but then it would probably just be for a few days. Maybe if a hurricane hits and we're without power?

  58. The most extreme place we've been is a school bathroom with no changing table :) so I had to change him on a changing pad on the floor of the bathroom. I don't think we will be traveling or in any extreme situation anytime soon.
